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Photos and articles courtesy of Le Sueur County Historical Society photo collection.

Photo shows the front of Snow's Opera House on Main Street, Le Sueur, MN. Snow's Opera House was owned and operated by W. C. Snow. Mr. Snow converted a warehouse into the Opera House and owned/operated the facility until about 1913. A horse and buggy are utilized to carry a promotional banner.

Pre 1900's

Snow's Opera House hosted the Grand Leap Year Ball on February 20, 1884 and was the popular place to be in the late 1800's!

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November 30,1899, Le Sueur News wrote about Snow’s Opera House earning the owner the first money where a goodly crowd met to whirl away a dizzy hour at dancing to the sweet strains of the Steibeling orchestra. The dance was thoroughly enjoyed, the stage floor answering the purpose of the dance hall while the body of the house was used as a resting place or a comfortable resort for a friendly visit by others. A neatly arranged cloak room was one of the “modern conveniences” of the Opera House. The room was brilliantly lighted with a large chandelier in the center of the room, a balcony, side lights and amply heated by two Peninsular furnaces.

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An article dated April 29th, 1897, Kickapoo Medicine Co., Now Playing a Successful Engagement, managed by Dr. Peterson, played for a week at Snow’s Opera House to large, enthusiastic audiences and crowded houses. The doctor visited Le Sueur 2 years previous and understood the needs and wants of the public, he spared neither time nor expense to make his show one of the best on the road. The article also states, “The Edison animated picture machine which has been secured at an enormous cost is truly a wonderful invention and a rare treat to his patrons. Great credit is due every member of the company as artists in their respective lines.”

A formal opening was December 8th, 1899. The week following the New Year of 1890, Mr. Castleton presented Augustine Daley's famous melo-drama, New York by Gaslight and bringing with him special scenery of Brooklyn Bridge, illuminated with over two hundred lights, painted from a photo illustrated in the New York Sunday World. Other special scenery included a locomotive and a live pony on the stage.

1900-1907, Snow’s Opera House & Hall presented many theatre productions including The Irish Outlaw and The Lost Will by The Le Sueur Dramatic Club for the benefit of St. Anne’s Catholic Church and Guild of St. John’s Episcopal Church. Also, a production of Le Sueur County Fair on October 13th & 14, but no year is listed for the event.


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In 1907, W. C. Snow closed the Opera House as he did not want to comply with a city law to place more exits in the building for protection of the people in case of fire.

This is where the history becomes confusing and unfortunately there is not enough documentation on other theaters which were run in Le Sueur.

The second theatre, The Lyric Theater, opened in 1910. A third theatre, Lake Theatre, opened November of 1919 and closed May of 1920. May 20, 1920, Le Sueur News reported "there was not room for two theaters in Le Sueur" and ultimately The Lake Theatre closed. Skipping ahead to 1921, there is documentation of the Liberty Theatre still operating and running free shows in the street.


We then flip back to Snow's Opera House and Hall and the change of ownership to Star Theatre. The importance of sharing this information is so when you see the other theatre names come up in 1920 & 1921 you won't be confused!

September 22, 1910, Advertisement: Lyric Theater Opening. We take pleasure in announcing the opening of Lyric Theatre Sat. night, Sept 24. We will open this theatre with a very up-to-date Program of Motion Pictures and Illustrated Songs, and we have installed one of the most up-to-date and latest machines made; which is absolute flickerless. On opening this place----it is our intention to run a first class house in every respect, and we especially invite Ladies and Children. No pictures will be shown that can possibly offend the more refined taste. Change of program Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Doors open at 7:30. First show at 7:45. Second show at 8:45. 10 cents to everybody. Tennant & Wilkins, Managers. Lyric Theatre was not on the same location as Snow’s Opera House but still located in Le Sueur.

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“W. C. Snow, the owner of the Snow Opera House, has decided to open his house which has been closed for some past time. The house is one of the neatest, best and safest in the state and was closed more because someone wanted to get busy in a sensational way than for any other reason. Mr. Snow took the matter to heart and mistakenly, we believe, considered that public opinion was against him. The result was that for some time past many of us have had our “nose bit off to spite our face.” Now all of us are to be good, the house is to be put in better shape than ever and Le Sueur with a first class opera house will again be on the map.”

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December 22, 1910 News Article
Nearly a month later, the vaudeville acts of The Mock Alli Stock Company performed for three nights commencing December 29, 1910 and Repertoires included Brydon’s Dog Circus, Billy Ireland, Singing Comedian, Dorothy Wood, Vocalist, Holt & Armstrong, Yodlers and crayon artists and the Great Mock Sad Alli, Magician. The above acts also included a four act comedy drama, “Cousin Bess” and fifteen plays. Plays and acts were changed nightly and one lady was admitted free with each paid reserved set ticket if ticket was purchased before 6 o’clock Thursday. This method was used to introduce the company quickly to the theatre patrons of Le Sueur. Two ladies or a gentleman and lady could use the offer. Reserve seats were placed on sale at Bachman’s Store Saturday morning at popular prices.

mock alli stock co 12 29 1910.jpg

“The Sentinel wishes to apologize for the statement made in its last week’s issue concerning the Mock Sad Alli Stock Company. When the article was written only one performance had been given and it deserved the favorable comment given in The Sentinel. It was a good show for its kind. But of the performance of Saturday evening nothing complimentary can be said. The show was one which should not be staged, and which no one should see.”

Mock-Sad-Alli born in 1869, was an German born vaudeville comedy magician named Charles "Mox" Mathas who was the assistant to "Mock-Sad-Ali" and began performing as that character after the original died during an engagement at the 1904 St. Louis World's Fair. With many German immigrants at that time, he chose the name to have a mystic east flare of exoticism. He also performed as "Max Adali".

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Henrietta Starkey's son, Ed, in front of Pastime Theatre, August 14, 1914.

Fall of 1914 brought 10 excellent shows to Le Sueur, at reasonable prices. The shows were offered at the top price of 50 cents for the same performance as shown in the big city for two dollars. The shows carried large companies, complete with scenic and electrical productions. “Shows are on Saturday nights when the farm boys and girls can take time to see them without interfering with the work of the week. The price will be from 50 cents for the best seats, down to 25, so the price is within the reach of all. It is the theory of the managers, as well as the booking agent, that a house, well filled, at a moderate price, is preferable to a few people at a dollar a throw. It is to be hoped that the people of Le Sueur, and the vicinities about here, will take advantage of the opportunity of seeing these shows at home. Anyone of them would cost a large sum, if seen in the cites.”

September 3, 1914

The owners, H. A. Starkey & her son Ed, of Pastime Theatre, secured at great expense the serial “Lucille Love”. The story of Lucille Love was published across the United States and Canada making it a high demand film, very difficult to acquire. Prices were 10 and 15 cents.

Seems Snow still ran the Opera House while Starkey & Son ran the Pastime Theatre. The article states the fair date attraction was comedian John G. Rae and Company.

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1914 image of Pastime Theatre. Mrs. H.A. Starkey & Son owned Pastime Theatre 1914 until 1916, then bought and operated Snow’s Opera House from 1916-1923, renaming the opera house Star Theatre.

March 22, 1915 The Le Sueur News
Snow’s Opera House hosted a newsworthy concert by the acclaimed MacPhail Trio. The Trio consisted of the extraordinarily gifted William Macphail, Violinist, now well known as an original member of the Minneapolis Symphony (now the Minnesota Orchestra). In 1907, William S. MacPhail, established the MacPhail School of Violin in Minneapolis. Due to the overwhelming popularity of its programs, including music history and harmony classes, the school expanded its offerings. The concert also included the talented and gifted Gertrude Reeves, pianist and Miss Grace Chadbourne, soprano.

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April 6, 1916 Newspaper Article
“W. C. Snow sold his opera house the past week to Mrs. Henrietta Starkey and son. They will remodel the place and increase the seating capacity with some 250 opera chairs. The flood is receding but not with a speed that attracts a great amount of attention. The river is still being crossed with boats.”

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April 12, 1917 The Le Sueur News Advertisement
At The Opera House, Friday. Anita Stewart, Star of “The Girl Philippa”, in the special Vitagraph Production “The Daring of Diana” First Show at 8 O’Clock P.M. Admission 10 and 15 Cents.

daring of diana 1917 vitagraph.jpg

April 19, 1917, Le Sueur News
Henrietta Starkey
Last Week Celebrated Her First Year
In 1914, Mrs. Starkey and her son moved to Le Sueur from Northfield, MN and purchased medium success, motion picture house Pastime Theatre. “Mrs. Starkey knew that ‘eternal hammering is the price of success’. We do not mean using a hammer in the sense of knocking, but rather “keeping at it”. She also had learned that there was a right way to do everything – even if it was only picking up a pin. The business was new to her, she did not know the public, and much less the film companies yet this did not stop her. The man who places a bet or takes a chance on a horse race talks of a “rabbits foot.” Mrs. Starkey devoted her time to labor for the upbuilding of her playhouse. A little more than a year ago she bought Snow’s Opera House, dismantled the Pastime Theatre, moved to the new quarters after a re-arrangement of it and opened the house for business. All things considered it has been a winner. It is a waste of time to tell the people of Le Sueur, and vicinity, that Mrs. Starkey has succeeded. They know it. She, a woman, took over a house, at first, which was sliding, and made it win. She then bought the Opera House, which never had been a financial success, and she is making it win.” Mrs. Starkey renamed the opera house, Star Theatre.

starkey 1st year 4 19 1917 star theatre.

November 1917 Newspaper Article
The Star Theatre had this notice at the bottom of their ad: “Pennies at a premium: Owing to the shortage of pennies and the difficulty of securing enough of them to make change, the management will give one dollar for every 95 pennies brought to the box office between the hours of 7 and 8 o’clock p.m. Saturday, Nov. 17. (Admission prices were 10 and 20 cents plus war tax.)

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1917 Advertisement for Opera House
H. A. Starkey, E. M. Starkey, The Best In Motion Pictures, Vaudeville, and Road Shows. Delightfully Cool In Summer, Comfortably Warm In Winter, Perfect Ventilation, Plenty of Electric Fans. Feature Photo Plays, Sundays, Wednesdays, Fridays. We Aim to Please All Classes. World War I began April 1917.

opera house starkey ad 1917

January 14 & 15, 1919 Newspaper Advertisement
One Show Only Each Evening at 8 o’clock p.m. Crashing Through To Berlin, The Whole Colossal Drama of The War. A Colossal and Comprehensive Pictorial Review of the World War – From the Funeral of the Austrian Archduke Ferdinand to the Baptism of Blood of Our Boys in the Trenches, Mightiest 7 reels of Thrilling Patriotic Panorama of Worlds History Ever Filmed from Authentic Sources

star crashing through to berlin war 1919
1919 ed starkey stunt mary pickford clot

1919 Newspaper Article
Ed Starkey did a stunt in advertising Saturday that attracted considerable attention by hanking a line across the street in front of the Star Theatre with Mary Pickford’s washing strung thereon or supposedly hers. The picture showing was “Amarilly of Clothesline Alley” starring Mary Pickford.

The Star Theatre, Thursday & Friday, April 17 & 18, William Farnum in “The Sign of the Cross”, A Story of Early Christians by William Barret, The stage production ran a solid year at one of the Principal London Theatres. Next Week “Tarzan of the Apes” The Picture Unique will be at the Star Theatre. Do Not Miss The Most Talked About Picture of the Year. The dates for it are April 22 and 23, 1919. “We Send You Home With A Smile”

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Thursday, May 20, 1920 Article in Le Sueur News
Again the Lake Theatre changed hands. This is the third change in a year, thus bringing proof that there is not enough room for two movie houses in Le Sueur. When established by Mr. Miner, less than a year ago, the Lake operated for a time and then, apparently went dry. Later Miner opened for business again, only to have the Lake freeze on his hands. Then came Mr. Wallace in the fall and he continued to operate the lake until last week, when he disposed of it after the water became shallow and the mud was being exposed. It is not a pleasure for anyone interested in the success of a community to see any line of business lack of success, no matter who owns or operates it, but it is so apparent under existing circumstances that there is no room for two movie houses here, that everyone realizes a failure must follow. The overhead expense is too great to keep up the operation. St. Peter, a city of twice the population can support but one house. Belle Plaine, a good business point, has difficulty, much of it, in supporting one house. Henderson is only able to have a show a week, on Sunday night. Le Sueur Center, operating with Cleveland has two shows a week. This city will not support 13 shows a week, no matter who manages them, and those who try the game must be prepared to lose money. These are not the days of increase in the number of business enterprises in any place, but rather concentration of them. The movie business is one depending entirely on the patronage of those who seek entertainment, and there are not enough people of that class in Le Sueur and vicinity, to support two movie houses. Experience shows that old and cheap films must be used, to keep moving. The Lake showed some good features, as good as anyone shows, but The Lake also showed a class of films from three to four years old and in some cases even older, made by men and women now stars, at the time when they were “looking forward” to the eminence now theirs. When it becomes necessary to do this, it shows that business will not support the new pictures, hence proof that there is not room for the two houses. It is not a question of management, but of patronage. New features cost big money three to ten times what they cost three years ago and to split a reasonable patronage of one house, into two parts means one thing only, in the end, a lowering of the quality of entertainment by both the houses. Lake Theatre opened November 1919 and closed May 1920.

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star 10 7 1920 charlie ray independant f
film made star 12 9 1920 new star sign e

December 9, 1920 Le Sueur News

Movies Taken Here Last Week
Will be shown at Star Theatre Tonight and Thursday Evening
Last Wednesday it looked very much as though the county fair had been moved back to Le Sueur and that it was on in full blast. The band was out in full dress heading a parade up main street, closely followed by the entire equipment of the fire department, the members of this organization being in uniform. But upon closer scrutiny, it was found that a moving picture company was stationed at the Rudin corner, with camera, operator and everything to shoot the different “gangs” as they came up the street. Real moving pictures were made of these organizations as well as a panorama of Le Sueur shot from the top of the water tower, and other points of interest in our city, and they will be shown at the Star theater tonight and tomorrow in connection with the regular movies.
We heard afterward that the cameraman got a close up of our mayor, Mr. Edward Wierwill, and this will be shown on the Silver screen, with some other prominent business men of which we are sworn to secrecy. But you can all find out who they are and what they really look like by attending the big show at the Star theater tonight or tomorrow.


Monday, May 30, 1921 Advertisement in The Le Sueur News
An Extra Big Show. Star Theatre. Decoration Day. Bryant Washburn in “It Pays to Advertise”. Charlie Chaplin in “The Cure”. Remember that the Star Theatre is the coolest spot in town, the air is completely changed every 10 minutes by our system of ventilation. Our comedies are the best made and are features in themselves.

charlie chapman the cure 5 30 1921 star.

Thursday, October 7, 1920 Advertisement
Star Theater, Sunday, October 10
Charles Ray in Geo. M. Cohan's Great Play 45 Minutes from Broadway. He put the ray in sunshine. A First National Production. Charlie Ray’s First Independent Picture. A Knock-Out from Real 1 to the end of Real 6. It just got through playing at the Capitol Theatre in St. Paul, Americas most beautiful picture palace at double the admission we are charging.
Admission 15 and 30 cents, including tax.
First shows – 7:30 o'clock p.m.
Second show – 9:15 o'clock p.m.
A story of Rubes and Wise Guys.

film made star 12 9 1920 new star sign e

1920 - The new automatic sign in front of the motion picture house, the “Star” is the work of Edward Starkey. It is the first sign of the kind, for outside advertising, ever used in Le Sueur, and every bit of it is the work of the young man. He laid out the letters on galvanized iron, cut them, shaped the boxes, did the wiring, made the drum through which the contact is made for on and off and made the motor from an electric fan. It was his first effort in this kind of work and of course all did not move just as it should at first trial, but the young man deserves considerable for making this sign. He has the ability in him to do things, along electrical work, which is a very redeeming quality.

Monday June 20, 1921, Le Sueur News Article

Free Street Movies
Le Sueur will give the people about here two free shows, weekly in the movie line, this summer instead of one as last year. These shows drew very large crowds last year and the business house felt amply repaid in the efforts to please from the advertising they received for miles and miles about Le Sueur. In fact the idea was copied in Many Places. This year Le Sueur has a second movie house and a second free show on the street. There is not room for two houses for their shows and like the two telephone systems it is a burden to the supporters and neither of the theatres can make any money out of the operation and give a worthy show. Films cannot be secured for a song if good shows are purchased. If poor ones are used they will not be patronized. This week we are told the two shows will be given on a Wednesday night. The Star, the originators of the movement in Le Sueur, and the first to circulate a subscription list this year, will show in the center of the block, on Main Street the same as last year and will have the crowd because they are in the popular location, give good projection and plain pictures. The Liberty Theatre will show on the Snow lots, have seats arranged for the convenience of patrons and have tried to make it as pleasant for each as possible. This theatre has given two such shows this season. The first was very poorly patronized. The second drew a larger crowd, at least twice as many as the first show, but did not have a large attendance. It was a few hundred in comparison with thousands last year. All of this, the two shows, the lack of patronage, is not building up the Community Association. Le Sueur has less need today of two movie houses and two free street shows than it had last year. It can not have the best in shows when the receipts do not warrant it, and better none at all than poor street show. Money is too scarce to warrant a double expenditure. However the News if offering advice without any cause as it is a contributor to either of the movie shows this year.

Liberty Theatre Free Movies Advertisement with Sponsors, no date.

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Free Movies liberty 1921.jpg
starkey defends movie industry 3 8 1922.
starkey defends movie industry 3 8 1922

March 8, 1922 Article from the Le Sueur Herald
Defends Movie Industry
There are good people and bad people in every profession or walk in life; the lodges, the churches, as well as the amusement profession have the undesirables, it's a penalty that must be paid. It is idle to say that any certain class has “anything on” any other class in this respect. Mrs. Starkey ably defends the movie industry in an article in the Saint Paul dispatch. We quote her article:
I have been waiting a long time to see if anyone would raise a voice in defense of the motion picture industry, and at last I have found one level-headed person who can see two sides to the question. BJ Murphy's letter in the Mail Bag was the first in defense of the industry, a letter written from a love a fairness and justice. A few facts given here might help to enlighten the ignorance or prejudice of some who eternally hammer the motion picture industry and everything connected with it. Hollywood, which by some people is considered as the modern Babylon, has a population of 100,000. The statement of Captain George K. Home, former chief of police and now in charge of the police station at Hollywood may be enlightening.
“Hollywood is a community of churches. Since I took up my work here I have found a few were wild parties than in any community of like size that I know. I am policing Hollywood today with fewer policeman then any community of like size, I expected to see a lot of rough stuff but have been utterly disappointed. Unfavorable publicity has affected me as it affects others. But I have found Hollywood a community of homes and law abiding citizens - peaceful and quiet.”
Unfortunately the actions of a few have brought this credit on the many. The industry as a whole is just as anxious to have any persons found guilty of unbecoming conduct, punished and taken out of the industry, as any of the reformers are. I wonder how many big factories would do with their product what the Paramount people have done with theirs in the case of the Arbuckle pictures. Paramount has taking these pictures off the market and you can't rent them even if you want to and no matter how much you are willing to pay. This, in spite of the fact that Paramount has many, many thousands of dollars tied up in these pictures. In the case of Clara Hamon, no one would even rent her a studio to make her picture in and when she did finally get it made somehow another company refused to make prints of it. This is not the only case, but is a fair example of what the industry is doing to clear out undesirables. If only the public at large would be fair-minded in this! It is usually the people who never enter a movie house and don't know what it is all about who are the loudest in condemnation of everything connected there with.

wireless tower ed starkey 2d to SO radio
wireless tower ed starkey 2d to SO radio

March 15, 1922 Le Sueur Herald
Wireless Station for Le Sueur
Ed Starkey of the Star Theatre Now Building Receiving Station
2D Theatre to SO Equip
Will Add Immensely to the Already Good Program at the Star
A high power radio telephone and telegraph receiving station is being installed at the Star Theatre. The theatre will use this receiving station for music, concerts, lectures, current news, and government reports. Correct time and market reports will be received daily at noon and 6 p.m. Ed Starkey is not new to the work as he operated a small wireless station in Morris eleven years ago, at that time one of the very few wireless stations in the state, The Star Theatre Station will have a range that will make it possible to receive wireless telegraph and telephone from either coast. Lectures and concerts will be used from time to time as a part of the regular program. The Star Theatre is the second in the United States as far as is known, to install radio (unreadable) with their program. The first theater so doing was Ascher Bros. Theatre at Peoria, Ill. This has been in operation about three weeks. The star theater is one of the most successful play houses in the United States, made so by the ability and enterprise of the proprietors. Not once has the star ever cheapened it's entertainments, always keeping them to the highest point. Sometimes the patronage did not justify the outlay, but they kept giving the best, and now have the satisfaction of having the best patronized theatre in the state in a town of like size. And, with the added feature of wireless telephone and telegraph, The Star will become even more popular.

October 16, 1922 Newspaper Article
Star Theatre to Show F. & R. Attractions
Every theatre-goer in Le Sueur will be pleased to learn that Mrs. Starkey and son, managers of the Star Theatre, has just completed arrangements for the showing of F & R Road Show Attractions. Under the arrangements with the F & R Company, Mrs. Starkey and Son will play one of the F & R Road Shows every two weeks, the first one to be shown here Tuesday, October 17.
It is said that the F & R Road Show features are among the finest motion pictures made and in addition to these feature attractions, each show is completed and balanced with the best of comedies and novelty reels such as cartoons, colored scenics and news in the industrial reels which are instructive as well as being good, live entertainment.
“Sure Fire Flint” the first of the F & R Attractions to play Le Sueur is a seven real comedy, with Johnny Hines, a Le Sueur audience favorite as the star. Critics consider it a splendid comedy and it should draw all motion picture fans. The wonderful comments this picture has received from the press and public all over the country, are convincing evidence that show-goers, still love good, clean pictures.
In addition to “Sure Fire Flint” will be shown one of James Oliver Curwoods little masterpieces Northern Trail, which completes an especially entertaining program.
The executives and personnel of the F & R Company are all there showmen. Other films which showed were “Main Street”, from the widely known story by Sinclair Lewis; “The Beautiful and Damned”, F. Scott Fitzgerald's startling success; “The Little Church Around the Corner”, the beautiful story of New York's most famous places of worship; “A Dangerous Adventure”, “Rags to Riches”, “Rich Men’s Wives Shadows”, “Thorns and Orange Blossoms”, “Poor Men's Wives”, “A Mansion of Aching Hearts”, “Are You a Failure?”, “The Girl Who Came Back”, “Sure Fire Flint”, “What's Wrong With the Women”, and others equally as successful.

star f and r attractions sure fire flint
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Photo notes subjects in photo are Ed Starkey, whose mother gave piano lessons, and Doris Nelson, whose father owned the ready-to-wear store. Photo taken in the 1920's in front of Star Theatre.

January 17, 1923 Le Sueur Herald Posting  MUSIC

Mrs. Starkey can take a few more pupils. Can give lessons evenings if preferred. Phone 130.

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November 22, 1922 Le Sueur Herald

Recital By Pupils of Mrs. Starkey

Last Thursday evening ten of Mrs. Starkey’s music pupils gave a recital at the Star Theatre. There was a splendid audience present, and every number on the program was appreciated and given hearty, applause. Those who were at the recital will be surprised to learn that several of the pupils have taking lessons less than two months, yet their performance was wonderful, and show they could keep right along with “older heads”. Mrs. Starkey has trained them well, this fact was fully demonstrated at the recital. It is expected that another recital will be given later, when Mrs. Starkey’s entire class will be on the program. Those taking part in last Thursday's recital were: Laura and Hilda and Helen Von Lehe, Rosetta Manke, Artrude Eckhardt, Esther and Lillie Luttke, Irene Braun, Hazel Bauman, Grace Sunderman.

June 1 & 2, 1923 Advertisement
All Home Talent. Two Big Nights. Monday and Tuesday. June 1st and 2nd. A Frederich B. Ingram Production. A Merry Musical Comedy in Three Happy Acts. Special Costumes. 50 in the Cast 50. Star Theatre 8:15 p.m. Adults 50c Children 25c. Reserved Seats at Bachman’s Friday Noon. American Legion Auspices Auxiliary.


Friday, April 13, 1923
Advertisement in Le Sueur News
A program for The Commercial Club Band with T.G. Mahler as Director at Star Theatre, Le Sueur, Minnesota

August 26–27, 1923

Advertisement for The Commercial Club of Le Sueur, Minnesota presents "A Bachelor’s Escapade", The Funniest Show on Earth at Star Theatre, Tickets 25 and 50 cents

all home talent sweetheart town american
a bachelors escapade star 8 26 1923 comm
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1923 Le Sueur Herald Article

Follow-up to Previous Production

The crowd at the Star Theatre Saturday, during the hours of the Legion program was about as large outside as inside. There was some unjust criticism of the management on account of refusing to admit more, but it was unjust. Theaters are licensed by the state, under fire protection laws and are told the number to admit. The management of the theater must obey the law or forfeit their license, which they cannot afford to do. No blame should be attached to them for keeping the overflow crowd outside. In fact they should be commended for observances of the law, rather than criticized. If the public understood the facts they would agree with the news.

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July 18, 1923 Le Sueur Herald News Article
Saturday afternoon at the Dresselville church in Sharon with Rev. Otto Eyrich of the Lutheran church officiating, Mrs. Henrietta Starkey and Mr. Franklin Eckardt were united in marriage. Both are well known in Le Sueur and the surrounding community. Mrs. Starkey has for a number of years been the owner and manager of the Star Theatre here, one of the best conducted movie theatres in the smaller towns of the state. Mr. Eckardt has been a prosperous farmer living on his fine farm but a few miles from town. Mr. and Mrs. Eckardt left Monday for their new home in Wisconsin Rapids a city of 7500 inhabitants where they have purchased both the
Movie Theatres. Mr. Ed Starkey will remain behind a few weeks to arrange for the disposal of the Star Theatre when he will join them and conduct one of the theatres. The Herald extends congratulations to them and best wishes for their new undertaking.

July 25, 1923 Le Sueur Herald News Article
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eckardt Have Fine Theatre
The Palace Theatre, popular west side movie house, was sold today to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eckardt of Le Sueur Minn., by J.O. and C.D. Reed., who have owned and operated the theatre for the past three years. Mr. and Mrs. Eckardt have taken possession of the theatre and will open their management this evening with Tom Forman's production, “Shadows”. The deal includes the building and real estate as well as the business.
Plans are already made, the new owners announced today, for considerable improvements in the Palace including a large electric sign and an attractive canopy. Work will be started in a short time on the redecorating and improvements contemplated. No changes of policy will be made, it was said. Festler's Orchestra will be retained and the new owners will continue to show the same high class productions and contemplate an interesting program for the future.
Although the new owners have just arrived and have taken immediate possession, they have plans for and elaborate formal opening which will take place Sunday and Monday of this coming week and will announce the attraction for the opening.
Mrs. Eckardt will join with her husband in the active management of the theatre. She is in an experience manager and was regarded as the leading woman theatre manager in Minnesota, where she made an enviable record in the business.
The Palace was under the active management of C.L. Reed, who came here three years ago. Mr. Reed and family will leave the city in a short time for an extended vacation and will ultimately live in Florida where he and his father have extensive land holdings. While here Mr. Reed made a host of friends who will regret to learn of his intentions of leaving the city. – Wisconsin Rapids Daily Tribune

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June,1923 Le Sueur News Advertisement
Hupmobile Proves Over Again A Well-Known Business Maxim
Hupp Motor Car Corporation Detroit, Michigan
Eckardt and Starkey

4 15 25 star one year to live line
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September 30, 1920 Le Sueur News Advertisement
Star Theatre
The Le Sueur Show Shop
Friday, October 1st William Desmond in “Dangerous Waters” A Comedy Drama of Rare Merit and Appeal.
Robertson-Cole Comedy
Saturday, October 2nd Hobart Henley Presents Mrs. Sidney Drew’s Adaptation of "The Gay Old Dog" from Edna Ferber's Story.
Jack Dempsey in “Daredevil Jack”
See It At The Star, It Is Good

werner star 1 19 1927 sneezing

January 19, 1927 Newspaper Article
Manager Werner of the Star Opera House is going to make it easy for the boy who threw sneeze powder in the theater Sunday night, and our advice to the lad is to see the manager at once. This is a crime punishable by two years in the penitentiary, as such work might easily create a panic and cause great loss of life. The boy who through the powder is known to the manager, and should see Mr. Werner before the sheriff gets him.

Newspaper Advertisement for Laugh and Be Happy---See

“Aunt Lucia”

The Great Collegiate Comedy

Biggest Event Ever Staged in Le Sueur

Under Auspices American Legion

Directed by Universal Producing Company

100 Local People as Characters

Screams of Laughter, Don't Miss It!

An All Star Cast Headed by Jean Felton as Aunt Lucia:

list of cast of characters

Star Theatre Le Sueur on Tuesday and Wednesday December 4-5

Seats Reserved at Bachman’s Grocery Store Saturday, December 1stShow Starts at 8:15 PM Reserved Seats 50c; children 25c

Aunt lucia 1928 comedy star theatre.jpg
packed house 1928 aunt lucia.jpg

1928 Newspaper Article
Showed To A Packed House
Aunt Lucia Pleased Full House at the Star Theatre Last Night
With the Star Theatre packed to the limit Tuesday and Wednesday evenings , “Aunt Lucia” the great collegiate comedy, scored a big success, and brought forth roars of laughter from the audience. Sponsored by the American legion, under the able direction of Miss Thelma Bump, it will long be remembered as one of the funniest plays ever presented by local talent. Children from the Primary and higher grades, vied with their elders for honors in the opening scene with Miss Eleanor Baker as dramatic reader. Mrs. Chas. Carney pianist, played an important part in the success of the play. The College Glee Club placed the audience in the proper frame of mind, by singing several of the old familiar songs, with Dr. Howard Dressel very ably directing them.

Some of the members were unable to be present, but the list includes the following:

College Glee Club
Dr. Geidel Ernest Marten
Gordon Langhoff Elmer Marten
Gale Block George Marten
Dr. Dressel Leroy Roesti
Prof. Ecklie George Winters
Joe Brown Wallace Wishart
Jack Baker Clarence Boelter
Harold Cox Harold Wierwill
Frank Ulrich John Bauleke
Paul Baumann Robert McLaughlin
Al Schlegel Otto Martens

The College Flappers, flapped so well that it was difficult to recognize Harry Ochs, Louis Bachman, Ralph Bauleke, Matt Schmidt, Tog Austin, Jack Engert, A. H. Nelson, John Huberty, Ben Ormseth, Art Enter, Kenneth Ziebarth, Henry Riebel, John Duzan, Noris Wierwill, Wayne Striker, Fred Beier, Walter Schwartz, Art Randolph, C. E. Carney, and John Peterson, in the role of beautiful women. Boola Boola College is to be favored with a visit from Miss Lucia Warefield, and incidentally expects a donation. As a joke one of the members of the fraternity is dressed to impress personate Miss Warefield, and upon being discovered and thought to be the lady, it is necessary for Jean Felton to assume the role throughout the play. Were it not for the consideration for the Canning factory, we would suggest that he immediately avail himself of the first (rest of article unreadable).

This photo appears in a 1976 Le Sueur News story. The caption dates it as being from 1928 and identifies the people in it including Chet Werner, W.J. Werner (Chet's Father) and sister. From our research, it appears that at this time, the theater was featuring motion pictures and live company productions on the stage.

The Ten Commandments banner on the front also gives a clue to the photos date. The movie was released in 1923. Another note is the automobile on the right edge.

snows opera house family wc wj obrecht s

1925 Newspaper Article
OBrecht Stock Company Coming!
The best of all stock companies on tour comes to the Star Theatre, Le Sueur for three nights starting next Monday, March 30th.
For twenty-five years the OBrecht Company has been appearing in Minnesota towns and cities, always leaving a good impression whereever they have visited, and every season they have strived to make their company the best and cleanest of them all. Being natives of Minnesota they naturally have confined most of their activities to this state. The company this season consists of ten players and the plays are new and full of novel surprises. Mr. OBrecht is considered the youngest stock manager in the United States, and his success is due to the fact that he received his early stage training at the age of eight.
"Mickey," has been selected as the opening play. This comedy is new to Minnesota people. Supporting Mr. OBrecht are such capable players as Katherine McCool Edna Cable, Jack Sexton, Frank Colton, Arthur Verner, Lola Davis, Kate Thompson, Johnnie Burris and Frank Broune.
The settings are of the modern type and costumes which are the latest creations of New York modistes. Ladies are admitted free with each lady or gentleman buying a paid adult ticket Monday night.

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1920’s Advertisement
Star Theatre
Le Sueur, Minnesota Presents Week of October 21st-27th
O'Brecht Stock Company, The Seasons Best Show
The Latest High Class Comedy and Dramas
Business Staff of O'Brecht Stock Company
Owner Christy O'Brecht
Business Manager Arthur E. Bitters
State Manager Herman Dybevik

Advertisement Monday, Night, October 21st

O'Brecht Stock Company Presents “The Hoodlum"
A Comedy Drama in Three Acts
Personal Direction of Christy Albrecht
Cast of Characters listed
Act One: Morning.
Act Two: Same Ten Days Later.
Act Three: Same Next Day.
Vaudeville Between Acts by
Chas. Colville and Don OBrecht
U.S. Allen and Aline Neff
Christy OBrecht and Katherine McCool


Tuesday Night, October 22nd
O'Brecht Stock Company Presents “Sonny boy"
A Dramatic Comedy by H.V. Hobart
Personal Direction of Christy OBrecht
Cast of Characters Listed
Act One
Scene One: Living Room of the Crosby Home before the war.
Scene Two: Granby Michigan, before the war.
(The curtain will be lowered to denote lapse of time between the scenes of the first act.)
Act Two: Living Room of the Crosby Home the next day.
Act Three: Same as Act Two few days later.
Vaudeville Between Acts by
Chas. Colville and Don OBrecht
U.S. Allen and Aline Neff
Christy OBrecht and Katherine McCool


Wednesday Night, October 23rd
O'Brecht Stock Company
“Honest Sinners and Saintly Hypocrites”
Chas. Harrison’s Greatest Plays of Today
Personal Direction of Christy OBrecht
Cast of Characters Listed
Entire action of this play takes place in living room of parsonage of the church.
Vaudeville Between Acts by
Chas. Colville and Don OBrecht
U.S. Allen and Aline Neff
Christy OBrecht and Katherine McCool

Thursday Night, October 24th
OBrecht Stock Company
“After Office Hours”
A Comedy by Neil Schaffner
Personal Direction of Christy OBrecht
Cast of Characters Listed
Entire action of this play takes place in

the office of Acme Land & Development Co.
Act One: Morning.
Act Two:
Act Three: Following Day.
Vaudeville Between Acts by
Chas. Colville and Don OBrecht
U.S. Allen and Aline Neff
Christy OBrecht and Katherine McCool


Friday Night, October 25th
OBrecht Stock Company
“Where Is My Teddy”
A Comedy by Neil Shaffner
Personal Direction of Christy OBrecht
Cast of Characters Listed
Entire action of the play takes place in the yard of a

school in Missouri, adjoining the Morton’s yard in Linesville, Iowa.

Act 1--- 3 o’clock a.m. in August
Act 2 --- 2 p.m. the same day
Act 3 --- 8 p.m. the same day
Vaudeville Between Acts by
Chas. Colville and Don OBrecht
U.S. Allen and Aline Neff
Christy OBrecht and Katherine McCool
Special Matinee Saturday Afternoon at 2:30
“Little Orphan Annie”
At Special Prices


Saturday Night, October 26th
OBrecht Stock Company
“The Butter and Yegg Man”
Russell Merdock’s Farce Comedy
Personal Direction of Christy OBrecht
Cast of Characters Listed
All three acts take place in

Jack Carter’s rooms in New York City
Time --- The Present.
Vaudeville Between Acts by
Chas. Colville and Don OBrecht
U.S. Allen and Aline Neff
Christy OBrecht and Katherine McCool

Matinee Sunday Afternoon at 2:30 p.m.

Sunday Night, October 27th
OBrecht Stock Company
“The Best People in Town”
A Comedy by E.L. Paul
Personal Direction of Christy O’Brecht
Cast of Characters Listed
Entire action of this play takes

place in a suburb of New York City.
Act 1---Bradley Smythe home
Act 2---Later.
Act 3---Later.

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Date Unknown, News Article
If You Can't Laugh, Don't Come To See The
"Womanless Wedding"
To Be Presented at the Star Theatre
By Sympson Levie Company, of Bardstown, Kentucky
Sponsored By The Le Sueur Golf Club
85 Local Men As Characters 85
Biggest Affair Ever Staged In The Sewer Scream Of Laughter
Be Sure To Come!
An All-Star Cast Headed by Fred Bier as Leading Lady

womanless wedding comedy all men
womanless wedding cast photo.jpg

1928 Newspaper Article
Grade Pupils Give Operetta
And Pleased the Great Audience That Packed Opera House to Standing Room
Another splendid program, showing what hard work and training can do with children, was given at the Opera House Friday evening. The grade pupils from both the Washington and Union schools presented an operetta, entitled “The Snow Queen." This was adopted from Hans Chrletien Anderson's Fairy Story, and was also very appropriate for this season of the year. The program was under the direction of Miss Miller, assisted by the other grade teachers. As is true of any entertainment, in which each one does exceptionally well, it is difficult to give each the credit due, and in this operetta each child should be mentioned for splendid work. The cast assisted by the courses of Snowflakes, Angels, children, urchins, men, women and robbers, included the following:
Gerda --- Ethel Sunderman.
Kay --- Lloyd Linderman.
Snow Queen --- Gladys Jurgens.
Witch --- Georgia Gundlock.
Ragman --- Marvin Phillips.
Grandma --- Dorothy Prahl.
Mother --- Helen Anderson.
Robber Captain --- Bradley Cosgrove.
Robber Girl --- Mabel Glass.
Robbers --- Willmar Kessler, Alden Otting, CarlHarmeyer, Arnulf aalid, Lloyd Raymond, Ernest Steckman, Carrol Smith, Clarence Schaffer.
Flowers --- Ruth Bauman, Charlotte Harmeyer, J. Morrill, Irene Koepp, Eloine Lammers, Gertrude Bauman (article is unreadable)
Street People --- Harold Snow, Albert Duzan, William Snow, Jeanette Randall, Ernest Theleman, George Snyder, Alice Bauleke, Ruth Snow, Olive Jurgens, Bernalda Ziebarth, Marion Hansen, Adeline Zachor.
SnowFlakes --- Sylvia Koepp, Gladys Harmeyer, Walter Duzan, Katherine Heintz, Dorothy Muecke, Adelaide Clark, George Becker, May Mollenhauer, Harriet Randolph, Margaret Greaves, Basil Berndt, Robert Christopherson, Violet Christopherson, Ruth Thomas, Betty Morrill, Geraldine Ziebarth, Meese Hollander, Mildred Teschendorf, Gertrude Dietles, Sigurd Aalid, Derry Quackenbush, George Ank, Clayton Ryan.

Much work was involved in costuming the Snow Queen, the angels, flowers, robbers, etc. but in each case the effect was realistic and pleasing. The high school orchestra furnished special music during the intermission. Le Sueur is proud of its teachers, who are so well qualified for the task of training children along every line of advancement, and who, through their patients and untiring efforts are able to produce as fine an entertainment as the "Snow Queen". On March 29, the high school operetta will be given and we hope as much support will be given it. Judging from what was done by the grades, the high school pupils will have to be very "jolly" (Unable to read rest of article)

pupils operetta 1928.jpg

July 11, 1928 Newspaper Article
Star Notes
Mr. Werner has redecorated and remodeled the Star Theatre until it is a very enjoyable place to go. The fact that it was once used as a warehouse can hardly be imagined, but that was before popular demand made an opera house a necessity. Years before all the entertainments and plays were held in the hall above Bachmans, and the remodeling of the warehouse into a real place for such affairs was a source of much satisfaction to the people of the town. Mr. Werner continues to improve it. He endeavors to give the best in what ever is presented there, and is regretful if the productions are not satisfactory. The present Star has changed hands three times. It was built by Mr. Wm. Snow, and sold to Mrs. Henrietta Starkey, Mr. Werner purchasing it from her.

star werner redecorates 7 11 1928.jpg

March 13, 1929 Newspaper Article
Talking Pictures Coming To The Star Theatre
After many months of negotiations Manager Werner of the Star Theatre has fortunately secured Synchratrone for his patrons and will be shown at the Star Theatre for two days, commencing Wednesday, March 13, presenting six acts of standard vaudeville on this screen, singing and talking pictures for the first time in this city, and offered as an added feature attraction in conjunction with the regular program. Synchratrone, the marvel of the age, brings to this city the most discussed topic of present day theatricals, singing and talking pictures in their entirety. This will positively be the only engagement here and an attraction that you cannot afford to miss..

talking picture 3 13 1929 synchratrone.j

March 13, 1929 Newspaper Article
Sensational Novelty Coming To The Star Theatre
The outstanding film attraction of the season, Synchratrone that has been technically termed "the marvel of the age", has been booked to appear as the added feature in conjunction with the regular program at the Star Theatre for 2 days, commencing Wednesday, March 13 Synchratrone presents six sterling vaudeville acts on the screen, singing and talking pictures wherein you hear what you see and theatergoers of this vicinity should avail themselves this opportunity of hearing Synchratrone, the only traveling synchronized talking picture program that has been made possible to offer theatres throughout the country where heretofore it has been an utter impossibility to exhibit vaudeville on the screen, except in the metropolitan centers, and brings you the season’s screen sensation Synchratrone in its entirety.

synchatrone 3 13 1929 vaudeville talking

July 17, 1929 Advertisement
Star Theatre
Wednesday and Thursday, July 17–18
“Two Arabian Nights”
With William Boyd, Mary Astor and Louis Wolheim. To doughboys and a "dough" girl in an uproar overseas! One of the greatest soldier comedies ever screened.
“Walking Fish" Comedy
Friday and Saturday, July 19-20
“On The Divide"
With Bob Custer. A thrilling action story of the great open spaces. Bob Custer at his best.
"Six Faces West" Comedy
Sunday, July 21
Colleen Moore in "Why Be Good "
With Neil Hamilton. She couldn't decide whether it was good to be good or better to be bad. She’ll find out and tell you about it Sunday. See the modernistic settings and Colleen wearing styles that will be the envy of every dressmaker in Paris
"Making Whoopee” Comedy
Coming -- "Abies Irish Rose”

two arabian knights comedies 7 17 1929.j

June 14, 1933 Le Sueur News-Herald
Plans Being Made to Build Modern Picture House
Hope To Have New Building Up and Equipment Placed Before the First of October
Early Monday morning Le Sueur experienced the worst fire it has had in many years, when the Star Theatre burned to the ground, leaving only the front wall and part of one of the side walls standing.
Jack Hobday was called early Monday morning to get a truck from the country and bring it to town for repairs. He was working underneath the truck, in front of the Weiland Motor Sales garage, opposite the Star Theatre, when he heard a noise like breaking glass. He looked around and discovered a small amount of smoke issuing forth from one of the windows in the theatre building. By the time he got on his feet the flames were bursting out. He immediately called the central office and notified them of the fire. The fire was a hard one to fight and three streams of water were poured into the building for two hours before the danger to nearby buildings had passed.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sorheim who occupy the flat next to the theatre suffered quite a damage to their furniture because of the dense smoke which poured into their rooms. All the furniture was moved from the south side of the flat to avoid being scorched from the hot walls. Their loss is covered by insurance.
Mr. Werner who bought the Star theatre building and equipment from Mrs. Starkey about ten years ago and has since conducted the theatre, intends to rebuild at once. His plans, though still indefinite call for a one story building, with just basement enough in the rear to accommodate the furnace and coal supply room, a stage 14 feet wide and with a seating capacity of three hundred. It will be modern in every respect, with the latest in interior decorations and fixtures. Mr. and Mrs. Werner have built up a fine business since taking over the Star, and with the new modern theatre will continue to enjoy in increasing patronage.
The Star theater building, formerly known as "Snow’s Opera House" has an interesting little bit of history connected with its early years.
About thirty-five years ago Mr. William Snow owned the land upon which start a brick warehouse of the same size as the theater building. This community desirous of having an opera house of proper proportion and equipment for home talent plays were exceedingly popular in those days as well, raised to $1500 by popular subscription, which was spent in changing the warehouse into an opera house, which was then known as Snow’s Opera House. This building was sold to Mrs. Starkey, who came here about 1912. Mrs. Starkey improved the building considerably while operating the theatre and ten years ago sold it to Mr. Werner, who has since installed modern machinery and fixtures, new screen, etc. for sound pictures.

6 14 1933 worst fire destroys star theat
6 14 1933 worst fire destroys star theat

1933 Le Sueur News-Herald
Thank You
We wish to take this means of thanking the people of this community for their good wishes and hearty congratulations on the opening of our new Theatre, also to Dahlstrom and Weinberger, decorators, for the basket of beautiful flowers.
The Werner Family

November 20, 1933 The Le Sueur News-Herald
CONGRATULATIONS to Mr. And Mrs. W. J. Werner
Upon the Completion of Southern Minnesota’s Finest Sound Equipped Show House
Opening Thanksgiving Afternoon with a Matinee Beginning ay Two O’Clock
Opening Attraction Thursday, Friday, Saturday
“Horse Play”
With Slim Summerville and Andy Devine
Continuous Matinee Beginning at 2 O’Clock
Also “Rufus Jones For President”
Comedy and Cartoon

Caption under photo reads
The New Le Sueur Theatre
Seating Capacity: 450
Oil Burning Steam Heating Plant
Moist Air Ventilating System
Water Cooled for Hot Summer Nights
Fire Proof Construction Throughout

Merchants Hotel – For Your Sunday Dinners
P.W. Baumann & Son – Special Vegetables for Thanksgiving Dinner
The Ochs Insurance Agency – Real Estate and Insurance
Farmers & Merchants Telephone Co.
Theo. G. Mahler – Jeweler and Optometrist
J.J. Seivert Furniture Co. – Furniture and Undertaking
Nichols Variety Store – Christmas Headquarters
Ednal Style Shop – See the Adjustable Top Hosiery
Le Sueur Creamery – C.B. Tracy, Prop.
Kuebls Meat Market – Dressed Poultry and Oysters
Frantz Café – Good service at all Times
Wicks Fairway Cash Store – Fairway Fine Feeds
P.J. Hiniker – M.D.
S. Erickson – M.D.
N.N. Sonnesyn – M.D.
J.B. Wagner – Feed Gui;d Store – Good Things to Eat
Willard Sunderman – Insurance
Standard Oil Co. – Michael Swanson, Mgr.
Distel Oil Co. – Independent Products

Huberty Bros – Chevrolet Sales and Service
Bauleke Grocery – I.G.A. and 18K Brands
Elmer J. Iten – Furniture and Undertaking
Peter Sorheim – Batteries and Repair
Wieland Motor Sales – Ford Sales and Service
Coast To Coast Store – Hardware and Auto Accessories
Green Mill Inn – Quick, Clean Service
Home Café – Home Cooked Food
Le Sueur Electric Co. – Crosley Radios and Automatic Washers
Grues Home Bakery – Complete Line of Home Baked Goods
Hanson Bros. Garage – For Prompt Service
Wierwill Bros. – Dealers in Good Coal
R.C. Christian – Farm Implements
Ora J. Parker
Louis A. Tressman
Corner Drug Store – Drugs and Sundries
Dr. H.C. Dressel – Dentist
Jack Schneider – Plumbing and Heating
News-Herald – The Community Paper

Star Cleaners – We Do Modern Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing
W.G. Wood Ward Co. Inc. – Le Sueur, Minn.
Bachman Bros. – Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
Salisbury Drug Store – Quality and Service
John Anderson – Quality Shoes and Repairing
Ed’s Sandwich Shop – For the Best Beef Sandwich in Town
Coleman Bros. – Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Werner on Your New Theatre
Tasty Pasty Bakery – Bakers of Sally Ann Bread
WM. Busse Tire Shop – Tires and Batteries
Tip Top Inn – A.J. Hillenheim
Max Distel – Jeweler
Le Sueur Farmers Elevator – Mfg. of Top Notch Egg Mash
R.W. Lloyd – Dentist
C.E. Conley – Dentist
Martin H. Otto
State Bank of Le Sueur
J.A.W. Anderson Photo Shop – Photos For Your Xmas Gifts
Clifford Implement Co. – Farm Machinery
Block & Frost – Insurance, Bonds, Real Estate

thanks you werner family ad 1933.jpg
11 20 1933 the new lesueur theatre werne
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More history coming soon!
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November 29, 1933 Le Sueur News-Herald
“New Le Sueur” Opens Tomorrow
Southern Minnesota’s Finest Theatre to Make First Showing 2 P.M.
Le Sueur's new theater, the Le Sueur, will be open tomorrow afternoon, Thursday, for its initial showing to the people of Le Sueur and this community. Since the fire this spring which destroyed the old Star Theatre, we have been without a show house, and the old adage,
“You never miss the water until the well go goes dry," proved only too true. Some people, for want of diversion, have attended show shows at Saint Peter, Mankato and the Twin Cities during the summer and fall, but now will enjoy their own, the Le Sueur.

Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Werner have put a lot of money, work and worth into the building of their new picture house, and now comes the final triumph, the opening for the first showing. The picture chosen for this special day, "Horse Play” will probably prove the most interesting to the greatest number of patrons. It is full of comedy with the ever popular star, Slim Summerville, assisted by Andy Devine and Leila Hyams. In addition there will be a comedy, Rufus Jones for President, and a cartoon.

Carpenters, painters, mechanics, etc. have been in evidence all over the building the past two weeks putting the finishing touches on the finest theatre in Southern Minnesota. And it is the finest, not the largest, but the most modern, every effort of the patron being considered before a single part of the plan was accepted. It is warmed with the steam plant burning oil, which maintains the proper temperature at all times. A moist air ventilating system changes the air every five minutes, bringing in clean, fresh air, pulling it across the heated steam coils and delivering it to the main rooms at the proper temperature. In summer a cold water plant maintains the temperature at a comfortable degree, assuring patrons the same delightful theatre, regardless of weather conditions. The most up-to-date spring filled theatre chairs have been installed, heavy soft carpets for the floors, modernistic decorations and light fixtures, two of the latest type of projection machines and screen assure the patrons of the Le Sueur theatre the best there is in talking pictures.

The chairs, carpets, hardware, cement, gravel, cement blocks, plumbing and heating equipment were all purchased from local trades–people, and as much local help as possible which used on the job from start to finish. More credit than we can express is due Mr. and Mrs. Werner for their enterprise, their optimism and their goodwill toward Le Sueur and Le Sueur people for investing so many thousands of dollars in this business. When we say we wish them all the success possible, we know we are expressing the sentiment of every man, woman and child in this entire community.


1933 The Le Sueur News Herald, Le Sueur, Minnesota
New Le Sueur Theatre
Le Sueur Minn.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Nov. 30 – Dec. 1–2
First Showing in the Northwest Slim Summerville and Andy Devine in
"Horse Play"
With Leila Hyams also "Rufus Jones for President" and cartoon
Continuous Matinee Thursday Starting at 2:00
Sunday – Monday, Dec. 3–4
Chester Morris in
"King For A Night"
With Helen Twelvetrees, Grant Mitchell
"Seasoned Greetings" – FOX News
Matinee Sunday at 2:30

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
December 5–6–7
"Ladies Must Love"
With June Knight, Neil Hamilton, Mary Carlisle
A Smash Comedy–Drama with Music, Songs, Dance Numbers
"Out of Gas" – Comedy
Coming Attractions:
"Love Honor and Oh Baby"
"Saturday’s Millions"
"Havana Widows"
"Kennel Murder Case"

209 Main Street South, Le Sueur, MN 56058




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